Integrates well with Remindo
This virtual teaching assistant is an interactive, customizable digital textbook and an online assessment tool with learning analytics. Educators can design their courses, and all exercises are randomized and include personalized feedback. Everything is automatically graded, so educators have more time to support their students.
Mijn Portfolio
Integrates well with SOWISO & Remindo
This ePortfolio can be used for education and work, helping with career development, mobility and other career-related challenges. In this ePortfolio, candidates can display their CVs with other resources like a photo book of their projects, questionnaires about work preferences, proofs of their competencies or 360-degree feedback.
Integrates well with SOWISO & MijnPortfolio
This online management environment allows using different question types such as multiple choice, hotspot, drag and sort, and open questions. Additionally, they can be enriched with images, videos, and audio clips. Offer your tests in a secure digital administration environment and make the results available online.
OMPT simplifies the admission process for international applicants by providing a safe, fair and easy check of their math competency. OMPT adds much-needed flexibility to the admissions process and helps admissions offices draw a baseline for incoming students.
MijnPortfolio is a platform that integrates knowledge, skills, and competencies to provide solutions for various sectors, including education, business, government agencies, and healthcare.
It offers a range of tools designed to create an optimal environment for administrators and users. These tools include examinations, education, (re)registration, and career guidance.
SOWISO hilft Hochschulstudenten, die Hindernisse zu überwinden, die ihnen in den MINT-Fächern, insbesondere in der Mathematik, begegnen. Zu diesem Zweck stellt es Lehrkräften eine interaktive und ansprechende Lernumgebung und unterstützende digitale Lehrmaterialien zur Verfügung.
OMPT vereinfacht das Zulassungsverfahren für internationale Bewerber, indem es eine sichere, faire und einfache Überprüfung ihrer mathematischen Fähigkeiten ermöglicht.
OMPT bringt die dringend benötigte Flexibilität in den Zulassungsprozess und hilft den Zulassungsstellen, eine Grundlage für die ankommenden Studierenden zu schaffen.
Coachview ist ein Entwickler von SaaS-Kursverwaltungslösungen, die das digitale Rückgrat von Lerndienstleistern, Schulen und Universitäten bilden.
Die Lösungen werden von Schulen, Ausbildungs- und Prüfungseinrichtungen auf allen Bildungsebenen in den Niederlanden und Belgien genutzt.
Um die Qualität der Bildung zu steigern, sie erschwinglich zu halten und gleichzeitig den Anschluss an die Berufswelt zu finden, besteht die Kunst darin, in Chancen und nicht in Risiken zu denken. Xebic hilft dabei mit einer erfrischenden Pioniermentalität. Xebic ist das Softwareunternehmen, wenn es darum geht, zeitgemäße Lösungen zu entwickeln, die explizit zur Freude am Arbeiten und Lernen beitragen.
Diese Lösungen sorgen für ein optimales Zusammenspiel zwischen Bildungsinstitutionen, Lernenden und der Berufswelt.
OnStage assists education establishments in coordinating, monitoring progress, and safeguarding work placement, graduation, and minors processes. By ensuring more transparency in these processes, combined with digital file creation and accreditable reporting, OnStage will increase the quality of education and its results.
GradeWork helps to keep a teacher's workload under control while simultaneously increasing the quality of assessment. It streamlines the entire submitting and assessing process for all types of student work.
With GradeWork teachers can organize checking and assessing more efficiently!
Paragin is a Dutch edtech company founded in 2000. They are a domain leader in providing solutions for the development of competencies, knowledge, and talent in education as well as large and small corporations, municipalities, and organizations.
Paragin has created accessible, flexible and user-friendly solutions like RemindoKey, RemindoContent, RemindoEVC, and MijnPortfolio.